This page describes what are some of the causes to system slowdowns

Windows Problems

Sluggish Windows System Windows Repair Install Windows Restarts
Windows Shows Incorrect 120GB Size XP System Restore FIX Software Corruption
Hardware Troubleshoot Repair Corrupted DLL    

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Sluggish System



The computer operates slower than usual and the loading of software applications takes seemingly forever. There may be new icons appearing on the desktop or system tray. And the computer freezes and restarts for no apparent reason.


Causes and Resolution

Virus & Spyware activity

Such activities draw excessive CPU cycles and disk activity hence causing a system performance dip. Virus infections can launch certain codes to run in the background and cause a widespread of data damage. In extreme case, programs and operating systems can fail. Try to clean up the virus and spyware.


Unnecessary Startup Programs

Some software applications are loaded as soon as the system starts up. A lot of them are redundant and can be disabled to save system resources. In this case, try to remove unnecessary startup programs.

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Unnecessary Files & Programs

Redundant files and programs occupy hard disk space and result in degradation of disk performance. Those running in the background draws CPU cycles and slow down the computer. Remove all the unnecessary files and programs.


Minor System Corruption

Corrupted files cause certain programs failure. Sometimes these can cause the computer to respond very slowly to user's request or system operations and ultimately lead to system failure. You could try to fix and repair the minor system corruption.


Fragmented Hard Disk

A fragmented disk is one of the major bottlenecks in system slowdowns. This happens when the hard disk has been used over long period without good house keeping as data is being created and deleted. Defragment the hard disk to improve the system performance.

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